Woven 11
Terrebonne H-30”x W- 22” SOLD
Created on BFK Rives paper with collage
A visitation to my home in Montreal
Created on BFK Rives paper with collage
A visitation to my home in Montreal
Valois H-30”x W- 22”
Created on BFK Rives paper with collage
A visitation to my home in Montreal when I was young.
Created on BFK Rives paper with collage
A visitation to my home in Montreal when I was young.
Bird – H-30” x W-22” – Collaged work on paper
Butterfly 1 – H-22”x W-30” – Collaged work on paper
Butterfly 2 – H-22”x W-30” – Collaged work on paper
Ritual 11 H- 30” x W- 22” SOLD
Ginkgo H- 22” x W- 30 “
Vanitas XV 111 – 22”x30”
MyHandTools#1 – 22”x30”
Vanitas XV 22”x 30”
Anhinga IV – 22×30